Bookseller’s Bag 2: Electric Boogaloo
I have been informed that my comfort zone, my safety blanket, my beloved hidey-hole, my publisher Booktrope, is closing up shop as of May 31st, 2016. From here on in, I’m on my own.
Juuuuuust kidding. OF COURSE I CAN. See, not everyone is thrilled about the effect this will have on their careers. Myself, I’m choosing to see it as an opportunity; an opportunity to drink my body weight in gin, an opportunity to return to my self-publishing roots, an opportunity to wallow in self-pity for a while (seriously, who doesn’t like a good wallow?), maybe even an opportunity to try my hand at being a high-powered publishing magnate. You know, with a suit and tie and a crocodile briefcase and a private jet and Italian hand-crafted shoes and a combat butler named Jeeves, and even though his name was Mike, I renamed him Jeeves, because JEEVES, obviously. And Mike-Jeeves makes tea on the quarter-of, delivered without comment but with one of those dry biscuits that no one ever actually eats. That’s what kind of publishing magnate I’m going to be. (What? You don’t know! There are stranger ideas. Like a llama on a trampoline. Ever seen that? That’s way weirder.)
Well, whatever happens, briefcase or no briefcase, Mike-Jeeves butler or no Mike-Jeeves butler, I’m sure I’ll be there, weirding it up just as happy as a greased pig. I don’t know where I got the idea that a greased pig must be happy. Sorry! Sorry!
I was rather overwhelmed by the sudden influx of messages on Twitter and Facebook (and texts to my phone, which is super-stalkery, you guys, stop it) from people offering condolences and help. It’s very sweet, but I think I should remind you. I’m really only good at one thing: being goofy on paper and getting paid for it. All that business and tech stuff? I will find someone to do that part for me. Marnie and the gang will live on. Well, most of them. Sorry. Too soon? Heh heh. WHAT? *ducks and runs*
Much love!
ps. Serious writers be serious, yo.
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