Believe it or not (and I often have a hard time believing it) there have been times that people ask me shit, and I give them answers. Some of the answers are even true (but…mostly not so much).
In September 2011, excellent thriller writer Al Boudreau interviewed me here, after I won his “Horror in The Cage” short story competition for August 2011.
Back in June 2011, pre-release (that sounds filthy, doesn’t it?) my friend Heather Goldie invaded my blog and used my Evil Author Interviews to try my patience–erm, I mean, interview me. It was mean. She used clowns. *pout*
November 23, 2011 the charming Gordon Bonett of Tales of Whoa fame did a fabulous review of Touched, which you can check out here. There were no clowns involved, and he was very kind. Probably because he’s awesome.
Amazon reviews can be found here. Thank you to the readers who have posted a review–not only do they help get the word out about the Marnie Baranuik Files and encourage others to read me, but they tickle this wee Writerghoulie in places she’s too ladylike to mention.
Thank you so much for Marnie B! I am reading the 2nd book now and I have laughed out loud more than once. Yours is a refreshing premise and I have fallen for all of these characters. She and her band of merry men are definitely keepers. Again, thank you.
I just found Marnie and can’t put the books down. I have laughed out loud more than once, which makes the office staff curious about my outside of work habits. I am finishing book 2 and have book 3 waiting beside my glorious reading chair. Looking forward to a cookie and a glass of wine while reading more of her adventures.