A.J. Aalto Supervillain on a Leash
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Bad Blogger

November 16

Holy shitballs, I haven’t blogged since August? Oh dear. I do believe I need to hire an assistant to flog me when I’ve been a major slacker. See, this shit wouldn’t happen if I had a butler. Ah yes, I can picture him now: stuffy, British, elderly, bringing me tea and clearing his throat discretely and politely suggesting that I might consider keeping up on my duties. Ahem.

Unfortunately, Cookie, my Desk Cat (who was also my Shoulder Cat), passed away in August. Certainly, she would have kept me on my toes. See how energetic and ambitious she was?

So what’s been happening over at Writerghoulie’s lair? Well, I’ve recovered nicely from surgery. I had to put off continuing studies in Criminal Psychology & Behaviour, which, as it happened, worked out to my advantage; the college teachers went on strike and it’s been five weeks since students have been in class. I’d have been right pissed if I paid all that money for school and been kept waiting while the college admins bickered with teachers. I don’t know what all the hubbub is, or what the strike is about, but I usually side with teachers in these situations. I know too many teachers personally to believe they wouldn’t have students’ best interests in mind. I hope they get what they need in order for students to return to class and get back to work soon.

I’ve also had to take a season off of bellydancing (surgery healing), and I miss it very much. STIFF COMPETITION, the newest Marnie Baranuik novella, was released by Pixiegrind Ink in September. I can’t believe I didn’t get my ass on here and blog that. Derp. I feel like a dinkus.

I’ve not had a chance to do a complete listen to the new Tantor Media audiobooks of Touched, Death Rejoices, and Last Impressions. I have heard narrator Amy McFadden reading, and oh man, I’m so hyper about it! She’s such a great Marnie.

Things are looking up in paperback news as well. Pixiegrind Ink Ltd is in talks with Ogmha Creative Media, who wish to acquire the paperback rights for the Marnie Baranuik Files and pop those puppies into your local Barnes & Noble. Yeppers, that sounds that a dealio to me! Contracts are being shuffled back and forth so we’ll keep you updated on that.

Work continues on the sixth book in the series, KINDRED SPIRITS. Even more troubling than that news (heh heh) is the insistence of a certain fussypants character that another short story is in the works. Apparently, the author has no say in such things, or so his royal nibs is telling me. I keep telling Harry that I have other story lines and other characters in my head, but he has decided that my attention should be solely focused on him. The nerve.

I hope you’re all doing well and enjoying life. Onward and upward! xo AJ


New to the Marnie Baranuik Files? Start here for book one, TOUCHED, or read reviews on GOODREADS. Catching up? The latest full novel in the Marnie Baranuik Files is BLIGHTMARE.


Booksigning Coming This Summer

June 8

Just got the news that my local bookstore wants me back for another signing this summer, so I’ll be hauling a ton of books over to Chapters in St. Catharines on Sunday August 27, from 12-4. I’ll have copies of my new standalone psychological thriller, CLOSET FULL OF BONES, as well as the newest addition to the Marnie Baranuik Files, BLIGHTMARE. WOOHOO! I’m hyper about it. Maybe I’ll make some cool swag to go with the books. What should I make? *thinking cap on* Oh boy, oh boy! Gonna come see me?  ~AJ xo

Book 5 of the Marnie Baranuik Files is Wrapping Up

October 28


Happy October, my fiends and freakazoids. Wrapping up this book, finally, and am plotting the sixth book in the series, which I will begin writing in January after a small, goofy break for a heavy-on-the-comedy short story in the “Between The Files” set, tentatively entitled Stiff Competition.

I’m not going to lie to you. This fifth book was one of the more difficult things I’ve ever tackled, for more reasons than the, erm, *ahem* <spoilers redacted> stuff. Those who have read Wrath & Bones might know to what I am referring. My characters had trouble keeping their feet this time around. It took them, and me, a while to recover their senses. Once they found their stride, though, they have been a blast. I’m eager for others to enjoy this ride with me, and expect it to be ready for publication in December (pending approval from my editor, Bossyboots McMeaniepants, and having the all-clear from the big wigs at Pixiegrind Ink Publishing. Ho wait, I’m the big wig. Handy, that. *wink*). A publication date will be posted as soon as it is known, and pre-orders will be available.

I suppose I can now reveal the title and cover for the fifth book. Folks, I give you Blightmare, Marnie’s fifth paranormal adventure. I am hoping you will enjoy it as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it.


And a reminder, to those who have not kept up with the series but who may want to catch up before the fifth book drops, you can find all my work here on Amazon. For those interested in beginning the series, the first book is Touched. Voila! Stay tuned, my lovelies.

New Release: Deadhead/ Pre-order: Wrath & Bones

December 1

So Deadhead is live, now. I feel like I should be calling it Livehead, but that sounds like something performed at a sex show. My book is definitely not sex-show material, although there might be pollinating and other saucy business within. You can buy this new Marnie Baranuik short story for your Kindle here. Here is my lovely cover, crafted by the awesome Greg Simanson.



And happily, pre-orders for Wrath & Bones, Book Four of the Marnie Baranuik Files, is ready here. We’ll be having a Facebook launch party on December 17th, and then the book itself is expected to release December 28th. It took me a long time to write this one, mostly due to the scope of the project. I didn’t want to mess up or skimp on the opportunities; Marnie was feisty, and some serious shit went down, and I often (to my editor’s chagrin) had to push back and take breaks from some of the more troublesome scenes. Trust me when I say, this book could have gone no other way if it were to be true to the characters and to their voice and needs. I have never felt more like the helpless historian than I did this time around. Also, trust me when I say, if there is a part in this one that infuriates you, I’m RIGHT THERE WITH YA. If there’s a part that upsets you, I CRIED TOO. Lots. I never cry. I cry so rarely that my mother dubbed me the “Coolest Cucumber in the Patch” when I was just knee high to a grasshopper. But I cried writing Wrath & Bones. It was ugly-crying, too, with my mouth gaping and goobers leaking from my nose and into my whiskey. You know you’ve done something right when you ugly-cry in your whiskey, folks. Trust me one more time, stick with me through the dark times, and come out on the other side with me. The light at the end of the tunnel is not your average train. (It might be a three-alarm fire or a bomb–or a fire train! That’s cool–but it isn’t your average train. I can promise you that much.) Marnie’s already showing me some shocking and ridiculous new things, and I can’t wait to share them with you in the coming fifth book (which I am temporarily calling IDonTHaveAFuckingClue, Book 5 of the Marnie Baranuik Files. Schnazzy-ass title, amiright?). Until then: brace yourselves. Heh heh.


Art by: Booktrope cover artist Greg Simanson. 

Marnie Baranuik is confident that her new psychic detective agency will be a great success, and she has eight million business cards to prove it. But before the paint even dries on her open for business sign, she’s summoned to face the Demon King Asmodeus in His own playground, the revenant court, home of the undead nobility, to participate in a conclave of the most powerful immortals on Earth.

Orc prophets have forewarned her that danger is looming in the far north. In her most ambitious adventure yet, Marnie must harness her powers, gather trusted friends to wade into battle, and complete an international treasure hunt that would make Indiana Jones break into a cold sweat, before raising a new revenant house to rule from the Unhallowed Throne… and do it all without getting her heart or legs broken. Storms are brewing, threats are piling up, and the stakes are higher than ever, but Marnie is determined to dance with danger to the very end. There’s only one thing left to do: deal with it, Baranuik-Style. Does anyone know if yetis like take-out? And when you’re on a date with a mummy, who picks up the check?