Shit I Love
It’s Valentine’s Day, and I love everyone and everything–but only cuz I’m kinda manic. Tomorrow, I may very well hate ALL THE THINGS *rawr* That’s the joy of being bipolar: life is never boring. While some things never leave my OMGIlovethat list, I’m finding that new ones have been cropping up, post-launch. In case anyone is still V-Day shopping for me (I’m looking at you, in the t-shirt) here’s some things I want more of:
1. My readers: Come on, who’s da cutest widdle reader? Who’s my schnoogly-woogly cuddleumpkins? YOU are. Yes, YOU ARE! *smile fades* You are because I SAY you are, and do not seek to circumvent my will, you uppity little–oh, whoops. Heh heh. I mean… Happy V-Day, readers!
2. Dorky love songs. No, for so-seriousness! Sometimes, I have a heart. *considers this* OK, to be fair, it might only show itself for a few minutes every year, like winter-peeping rodents on Groundhog Day, but when it does, it’s totally dorky and huge, and it demands coddling. This is the point where everyone close to me, so accustomed to my prickly side, either back away in terror, or pounce and take full advantage of the rarely-seen-in-the-wild Al-snuggles. The gentle giant I married does both, one after another. *chuckle*
3. Smelly stuff. In particular, Shalimar perfume, lilacs, vanilla candles, Penhaligon’s Blenheim Bouquet, peonies, fresh ripe peaches, leather, grilling steak, wood smoke, the smell of cigarettes on a man’s lips, tea brewing, dryer sheets, gasoline, a heavy-cedar forest, fresh-turned dirt. For V-Day, a box of fresh-turned dirt with a dryer sheet stuffed on top might not go over too well with other gals, but with me …
4. Fan mail: Definitely the newest favourite thing on my OMGIlovethat list, especially when they come with “fan service pics” like this! Whaaaaaat? Yes, that’s —->
a reader/friend who did Special Agent Mark Batten’s kill-notch tattoo hash marks on his freaking chest! Dude! HOW HOT? Fan mail is gleefully received at . (Pic used with special permission…thanks again, dude!)
5. Yummy stuff: steak, spinach, squash, dark chocolate, Earl Grey tea, blueberries, and my Black Orchid martinis, the recipe for which I will now provide. You’ll wanna write this down…y’know, so you can make me one.
Black Orchid Martini: Blue Curacao, spiced rum, grenadine, 7up, splash of cranberry juice.
6. Law, order, crime, forensics, and abnormal psychology: That will never change. In fact, it may increase after I interview my new friend, whom I will refer to as Hot Cop until I have permission to name him properly. Looking forward to harvesting all the scary, weird and amazing stuff that surely must be rattling around Hot Cop’s brain.
What are your new/old favourite things? Does Valentine’s Day make you think of treats and special treatment,of luxury and spoiling yourself or someone else rotten? Or are you one of those “This Stinkin’ Hallmark Holiday Is Bullshit Grrrrr” folks?
(editor’s note: For you, dear readers, AJ Aalto will taste test all the drinky-drunky things…because she wuvs you, and alcohol is her wing man.)